Crazy Rob What Next!
Equipment ICOM IC-706MKIIG antenna Terlin OUTBACKER Bumper Thumper Battery 35 m AMP Hour
Rob on 04/08/2015 on his Maiden outing Pedestrian Mobile in mid winter in his snow suit & boot's, I have not finished the setup yet. I worked Peter G2YT for about 30 + min while I was walking around the 50 acares on 50 watts with 5/2 signal I went down to 5 watts and received 4/1 report, Peter said he had never heard a Pedestrian mobile so far inland the signal was so steddy Peter was 5/9 all the time. I was going to build a trolly for Pedestrian mobile, but being out in the country with the rough terain the Bicycle cart is ideal with the 20 inch wheels they go over all the rough land and, PLUS I have had it laying around, all I had to do is put a long handle on.
Click on link below for RF Exposure Calculator to see how much RF you are exposed to.
LOOK at the LOG below to SEE what I am working
This is how I went about setting up the Bike Trailer as seen, I have used a sheet of alum in the base to strengthen for the battery box & also add more metal for ground plane.
There is a 100mm PVC tube in the back with screw on ends for 2 reasons one to add some weight to balance the trailer and the other to carry spare parts for the radio and spares for the trailer
The plastic box was for 4x7.5AmpH SLR Batters but now I am using a 35Ah deep cycle Battery it wont fit
This is how I went about setting up the face of the IC-706MKIIG and log book it was made out of a clip board and some strechy straps around my neck & waist I am hands FREE.
A Lay out of the Trailer, the antenna mounted on the back Is a Terlin OUTBACKER Bumper Thumper
There are 2 antenna mounts one either side, left side I use one for a 6 meters 1/4 wave vertical, on the right side is a Duel band for 2/70cm.
The extension handle is 2 meter long, I just used some 20mm alum tube I had left over from some elements off a yagi's I have built, The handle on the end is off an old whipper sniper
I hook it to a belt and pull it a long without hands I will be LOOKING for a harness so it will be pulling at a higher point
I Have been think about building something a lot simpler, But it will have to have BIG wheels, as the 20in wheels will go over the rough terrain I live in, The Bike trailer is very good as it will fold down and the wheels come off the whole thing will fit into a small car boot
A Photo of the antennas I use on all my mobile outings
Photo of the Terlin Outbacker Bumper thumper except all taps are on the top half covers 80 to 10 meters including the WARC bands Length 2.4 meters
Photo of the Terlin Outbacker Outreach 500 the tip is about 1 meter long covers 80 to 10 meters including the WARC bands Length 3.4 meters
I also have a Perth + it covers all band from 80 to 10 meters + 6 and 2 meters total length is 1 meter but has Long tips to cover 6 & 2 appros meter (No Photo)
More Photo's to come